Getting Real isn't just for web app developers. Below, German teacher Andreas Kalt writes in about how he uses Getting Real ideas while teaching:
In your recent post on the product blog you ask for Getting Real success stories. I don't have a business success story but I've been applying Getting Real ideas to my work as a teacher. I've written a couple of post on the topic - they're in German, though.
In short, many Getting Real ideas are well suited for teaching, e.g. "Test in the wild" (German) [Getting Real essay in English]. As a teacher, you can have a million great ideas and approaches to teaching. Many teachers try to work out perfect solutions spending a lot of time BEFORE the first run. If it turns out that the idea does not work well, this time is wasted. Instead, I'm trying to do a "rough version one" and if it looks promising I do "iterative cycles" polishing the procedure.
"Ride out the storm" (German) [Getting Real essay in English] is also very much true in school. Pupils are very conservative when it comes to change resisting it without even giving a new approach a chance. I found that if you ride out the storm, they actually often like what you introduced even though they didn't want it right away.
I'd be interested to hear if other people have applied Getting Real ideas to a non-programming/non-business environment.
Are you someone who's using Getting Real ideas outside a developer or business environment? Let us know.