Michael Wailes, Interactive Developer at Burns Marketing and Communications, examines the 37signals Suite as a project management system in his Geek Chic column at Northern Colorado Business Report. The piece looks at Basecamp ("truly puts collaboration into the project management process"), Highrise ("think of Highrise as Outlook on steroids: a conversation management system"), Backpack ("your company's intranet - a repository of all those things (forms, documents, how-tos, and guides) that are currently scattered across your office"), and Campfire ("looking for a way to have three or more users in a conversation, then Campfire is your answer").
For me, two things are a must when it comes to project/collaboration management software: simplicity and portability. I don't want to spend a tremendous amount of time learning how to use a system, or even worse, learn just the bare essentials and miss the real power and productivity aspects. I also want access in as many places as I can get it - in the office, at home or on the road...If you are looking for an affordable, accessible, well-supported set of tools to help organize your team and projects, then consider giving the 37signals Suite a try.