FliteHaus designer Jess Anderson just finished up a newsletter for Triad Isotopes and attributes the project's success ("Low stress, few changes, completed ahead of schedule even! Woohoo!") to using Basecamp to manage the project.
Stephanie, from Triad, and I are able to set calendar goals, create todo lists, message each other, and upload files. All in one spot! Sooooooo much better than having emails scattered here and there!By using the project milestones, we were able to choose realistic goals and set due dates on a calendar we both use! No excuses for late content or work! Everyone is looking at the same thing! You can also integrate the milestones onto your iCal to make life even easier. The todo lists are great for keeping things moving and everyone on track. Or keep them private and make them for yourself! Instead of searching for various emails in my inbox, all my correspondence for this specific project are all together, making it so much easier to access. File sharing is organized and simple. Stephanie uploads content to me, and I upload proofs for her. All these features are in one place for each specific project! Love it!
Another great thing about Basecamp, you can download a few third party apps for your iPhone and iPad that integrate seamlessly with it! These are great for meetings and on-the-go, and keep things easily organized and accessible!
All in all, Basecamp has become an invaluable part of our everyday work flow, and we are using it with more and more of our clients with positive responses!