Scientist Darran Edmundson, of EDM Studio, Inc., wrote an article for "New Journal of Physics" that includes a couple of mentions of Basecamp. He writes in to tell us about it:
We've just had a journal article (Visualizing a silicon quantum computer) published in the relatively prestigious New Journal of Physics. This is a special issue on visualization, and our article is specifically targeted at scientists looking to successfully lead production (i.e., project manage) an animation. If you search the text, there are a couple of shameless Basecamp plugs ;-)
A couple of quotes from the article that mention Basecamp:
At EDM's behest, the popular web-based project management tool Basecamp was used for discussion threads, to-do lists, project milestones and file exchange."
It is important to appreciate the cultural differences between the science and animation communities. Ongoing communication is important. Given that the team was scattered across two continents, appropriate project and task management software was essential for success, and Basecamp served the purpose for us.
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