Trevor Squires on why he wrote Propane (coming soon) for Campfire: "Campfire is about immediacy. When you want to share a file, you just upload it. Seen a cool image? Copy in the url and Campfire shows it inline. With Propane I'm trying to take immediacy and turn it up to eleven. In a desktop app I can do stuff that a web app can't do."
When you drag an image from Safari and drop it into Propane, what are you trying to communicate? Sure, Campfire displays the image, but where did it come from? How many times have you been asked "where's that from?". Propane does that for you.
Same thing with text from a web page.
When you copy in a tweet url, why are you doing that? If you want to share the tweet, the actual message is what you meant to share - not some opaque URL. Propane turns it into a twicture because that's what's recognized as a great way to share tweet messages.
How many clicks does it take to upload a file? 3? This is supposed to be immediacy. Just drop the file on Propane.
Stay tuned for more info.