This weekend we launched a major revamp and set of improvements to the Highrise tasks feature.
Setting tasks with dates/times is significantly faster
Clicking the "Set date/time" link results in an instant display of a calendar. Previously it would take a couple seconds to display the calendar. It's a subtle change, but we think you'll love the speed increase. It really makes setting dated/timed tasks a whole lot more pleasant.
iCalendar feed for dated/timed tasks
By very popular request we now provide an iCalendar feed to your dated/timed tasks. If a task has an expressly set date/time (April 9, 3pm, for example) it will be included in the feed. General events (this week, next week, later) will not appear in the feed. You can access your own iCalendar feed by clicking the Tasks tab and clicking on the "Subscribe to your iCalendar task feed" link at the bottom of the screen.
New tasks calendar layout
We've redesigned the tasks calendar layout. You'll see this if you click the "Set date/time" link. It's cleaner, clearer, and generally modernized. We think you'll like the changes.
Auto email/sms reminders for untimed "Today" and "Tomorrow" events
Prior to this update, events marked Today or Tomorrow without specific times didn't send email/sms reminders. The result was missed tasks. So now, if you don't set a specific time for an event, and you mark it "Today" or "Tomorrow" Highrise will automatically remind you. Today reminders are sent 3 hours from when you create the task. Tomorrow reminders are sent at noon.
We hope you enjoy the improvements
We're really thrilled about these improvements. We hope you find these changes as useful as we do. Thanks again for your continued support!