Below are a couple of Basecamp welcome messages used by two different design firms. Each welcomes clients to Basecamp and encourages them to use it as their first point of contact. We've left the textile formatting in place.
R.BIRD is a team of brand consultants with 25 years of experience in packaging design and branding. The company's founder Richard Bird recently sent us the standard Basecamp welcome message template the firm uses. Note the clear explanation of why Basecamp is superior to just sending a regular email.
Welcome!Welcome to [] where R.BIRD shares important communications and assets for client projects.
* *post new "messages":link *
* *add comments*
* *upload "files":link *
* *talk "live":link *
* *check "to-do lists":link *
* *review "milestone dates":link *
* *collaborate on "writing":link *
* even *subscribe via "RSS":link **Security*
Information available here is only accessible by individuals granted access through unique login and password. All communications and file transfers are secured by SSL encryption.*Your Login*
Keep your username and password in a safe place. You will need them to sign in to the site *and, again, to confirm your identity when accessing files* that may be posted here. (Note: your login and password are case sensitive)*Think FIRST*
When you use
* you can notify your entire project team
* there is a shared record of your communication
* all of us at R.BIRD share responsibility for your message
* the possibility that your message is missed is virtually eliminated.*When you use Email:*
* only one person might receive and read your message
* your teams and colleagues may remain in the dark
* there is no record of your communication, except in your own Email out box
* there exists the possibility that your message may be is a wonderfully successful addition to the R.BIRD suite of project management tools. *Please use as your _first_ point of project communications with R.BIRD.*
For Team Leaders
If additional members of your team need to be added to this project site, simply provide contact information. For convenience, you can "use this form to provide new or updated contact information.":
Richard adds, "I copy project-specific links into the 'link' references. The template even includes an online form that we all use to add new users."
Koke Creative
Jeff Koke at Koke Creative also sent along his welcome message (after the jump).
Welcome to the Koke Creative Extranet. This is where we will be communicating during your projects. This message will give you an overview of the Extranet, beginning with areas you are most likely to use.The Messages tab will most likely be where you will spend most of your time. When you receive a message, this is where you will go to retrieve it.
When you want everyone on the project to receive a message, it is best to click on the Message tab and click *Post a New Message*. You have an opportunity to Post this message immediately after typing your message in the text box, but you probably want to scroll down for other options. Just below the text box you have an opportunity to Attach files just as in an email.
Scroll down a bit further to find checkboxes that will allow you to email the message to anyone on the project.
When you go to view a message, there will be a comment box. You may comment on a message, but you will not have an opportunity to select who the comment gets emailed to—it will automatically be sent to the person who wrote the original message and anyone who received the original message via email.
The Milestones tab is where you will find the calendar. Scrolling down the page will allow you to see the entire calendar, including completed milestones.
The Overview tab will give you a snapshot of the entire project, including new postings and milestones.
The Files tab will allow you to see all files that have been posted. If they were attached to messages, they will also be found in the original message.
When viewing and printing files, it is best to right click on the file and select “Save Target As” to save the file to your hard drive. By accessing the files from your own hard drive, you are always assured of seeing it as it was designed. For files that are saved in a .PDF format, please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader to ensure viewing and printing of the file as it was designed. You can download the latest version at
Your project schedule has been posted in the Milestones section of the site.
If milestones are assigned to you, the extranet system will send you automated messages – when the milestone is created and 48 hours before it is due – reminding you of your deadline.Let me know if you have questions. We’re looking forward to working with you on this project!
Thanks for sharing these messages guys!
Related: Basecamp Client Jumpstart