MCLC Library Tech Talk, a technology interest group for the library professionals in Maricopa County, AZ, recently published a review/description of Backpack.
Lists are easy: you just create a title, then add the items to your list. When you’ve finished, you just click “done” and you’re done! Lists are always editable, and it’s easy to add or delete items. Once you’ve checked off an item, it drops unobtrusively to the bottom of the list. You can also rearrange the order of lists on your page, and items in a list.A note is just what it says: an easy way to make a note. Again, you create a title, then just plug in the text of your note. Once you’re done, click on “Add this note” and voila! A note! The default option is to add the date after your note title, so that automatically helps organize and place notes into context. I haven’t run into text limit on notes, so you can type a rather extensive bit of text for your page. Again, notes can be rearranged on your page by just clicking and dragging them around...
The reviewer says Backpack and presentations go hand in hand: "I use Backpack in particular to collaborate with colleagues on projects or presentations, and often use it to outline any presentation I might give."
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