Basecamp customers often tell us the product is a great sales tool for them. Some pitch potential clients by showing them Basecamp and how they use it to collaborate effectively. Others go ahead and set up a client project before they've even won the account; Showing a live, functional project site helps build momentum and gives a leg up over slower-moving competitors.
Basetwo Media goes a step further: The company's new site promotes Basecamp as part of its marketing strategy. Basetwo's Jeff Pelletier wrote to us with the details.
We just launched our new website along with it a bunch of new marketing strategies, one of which is to promote the fact that we use BaseCamp for our project collaboration. This is done on our website and in our written proposals. In the case of the latter, we typically will setup a new project and provide a potential client with login information right in the proposal, giving them a chance to try it out for themselves and see that we take the bid for their work seriously.
The login information right in the proposal is a nice touch. Here's a look at the page they've set up:
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