We recently posted about Chad Brandt's use of Backpack to organize his travel, work, and business school information. We asked Chad if he had any specific tips to share with other customers. A couple of things he mentioned...
He uses Backpack's reminders to keep his email inbox uncluttered:
I have a lot of tips and tricks for using reminders and "e-mail this page" in combination with Gmail. I like to keep a clean inbox (per Mark Hurst and Merlin Mann), so I use Gmail's search feature almost every day. Here's a typical reminder: Follow-up with Mark "[ Subject of Mark's e-mail ]" or Post content for Client A "[ Client A's e-mail request ]".Those reminders may come back to me tomorrow or 2 weeks from now, but I know to search gmail for the subject listed in the reminder. Plus, I get to archive the e-mail immediately and not look at it everyday. I also abandoned the Outlook to-do list when I started using Backpack.
He also uses the Backpack Dashboard widget because of how easy it is to keep open all the time:
I use the Backpack dashboard widget for entering reminders. It's much more convenient than keeping the reminder page open or switching back and forth from other Backpack pages. I think I've entered about 5 reminders while writing this e-mail. ;)
Do you have an interesting tip for a 37signals product? Let us know.