In Putting the 'e' in Team - Campfire, Futuretrack5 discusses how Campfire helps their team collaborate across different time zones. When they began using the tool, it "became crystal clear just how revolutionary Campfire is."
What email is to mail, campfire is to teams. We connected on a whole new level. The simplicity of Campfire is ideal for group chat. Unlike IM which tends to be one-on-one, Campfire is like well… sitting around a campfire! Rather than roasting marshmallows, we burned through getting work done on XHTMLize. We exchanged ideas, swapped stories & posted photos of ourselves (the way file sharing is implemented is incredible). Finally after 2 year I can put faces to Stan & Dmitry!This morning my routine changed. Before Basecamp I logged onto Campfire. I could quickly catch up on what Stan & Dmitry discussed while I was asleep.
Now for internal projects, I’m going to turn to Campfire as the tool of choice. Each project will have it’s own room. Using chat as a basis for development leads to agile delivery. With Campfire our business is going to be more connected, productive & fun.
I can understand now how 37signals manage to live by their ‘get real’ philosophy. Campfire is the key ingredient to team collaboration & productivity.
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